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Webnode Whistleblowing Portal

We want to promote a transparent working environment and protect those who dare to report unethical or illegal practices. This portal provides you with the tools to report concerns safely and confidentially, while ensuring whistleblower protection. Your courage is key to upholding our ethical standards.

Filing an internal notification

In writing

Directly to the responsible person (Zuzana Marková), either in person or by post to the following address Hlinky 70, Brno 602 00, Czech Republic. 


Through an internal system. To use this option, click on the link to submit your notification electronically


At the whistleblower's request, in a meeting with the Responsible Person (Zuzana Marková). The Responsible Person will respond to the request for a face-to-face meeting within 7 calendar days.

Report abuse

To report any abuse of the site (e.g. spam, pishing, bad content,...) please use the following e-mail address:

What is whistleblowing?

Pursuant to Act No. 171/2002 Coll. on the Protection of Whistleblowers (hereinafter referred to as the "Whistleblower Protection Act"), the term "whistleblowing" refers to the process of disclosing unlawful conduct by filing a report, i.e. providing information to persons who can investigate the reported fact or take action and take measures to correct or prevent it.

During the investigation of a given situation, the whistleblower's identity is strictly protected. It is therefore a tool that leads to the prevention and detection of illegal practices and unfair or unlawful acts.

Submitting a report

Whistleblowers can use both internal and external reporting channels. However, they should preferably use the internal reporting channel to submit a report. Whistleblowers have the option of remaining anonymous or providing their identifying information. Regardless of their choice, reports will be subject to the same review process, which will be conducted in accordance with applicable law.

Externally, reports may be made to the DOJ in the following ways In writing - by electronic form and e-mail; Orally (by telephone); In person - upon request. Contact details can be found on the Ministry of Justice website.

Procedure for investigating reports

Webnode will appoint designated persons to review the Reports. They will verify the facts and conclusions in the reports.

The Designated Persons will inform the whistleblower of the action taken as a result of the report, while maintaining the confidentiality of the whistleblower. The review of reports by the Designated Persons must be completed within 30 days, which may be extended by the Designated Persons twice by 30 days. The Designated Persons will inform the whistleblower of each extension and of the results of the review of the whistleblower's report.

Whistleblower protection

The whistleblower must not be penalised in any way for making the report. Such action would be considered retaliation, which is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. The protection applies not only to the whistleblower, but also to a wider circle of persons defined by the Whistleblower Protection Act, such as persons close to the whistleblower.

A person who has knowingly made a false report is not protected from retaliation. On the other hand, the submission of a knowingly false report, as well as any other misuse of the whistleblowing channel, will be considered a breach of the employee's duty for which the employee will be subject to sanctions.

Definition of terms

Unlawful behaviour
Illegal conduct that has the characteristics of a crime or misdemeanour punishable by a fine of at least CZK 100,000, conduct that violates the Whistleblower Protection Act, or conduct that violates other laws or EU legislation in the areas defined by the Whistleblower Protection Act. If these conditions are met, this may include, for example, corruption, endangering health, safety or the environment, as well as abuse of power and activities that serve to cover up the aforementioned acts.

A natural person who makes a complaint/report about an unfair practice that has come to their attention in connection with their job or similar activity. Typically, this includes current and former employees, persons working on the basis of agreements outside the employment relationship, self-employed persons and their employees or members of company bodies.

The person concerned
The person responsible for the entire course of the investigation, who will deal with, investigate and give feedback on the reports made under the Whistleblower Protection Act or this Directive, including the whistleblower and the persons who decide on any remedial action to be taken. This person shall be duly informed and shall maintain strict confidentiality.

Evaluation of the investigation

If the report is deemed to be substantiated, the Competent Person will propose to the Managing Director to take specific corrective action aimed at preventing or eliminating the illegal situation brought to the attention of the whistleblower. The nature of the specific corrective action will then be decided by the Company's senior management based on the recommendation of the compliance officer. After deciding on the specific corrective measures to be taken, the directors shall inform the compliance officer thereof. The competent person shall promptly inform the whistleblower of the corrective action taken. The competent person shall not inform the whistleblower of the adoption of corrective measures if the whistleblower has expressly requested not to be informed of the adoption of corrective measures or if this would reveal the identity of the whistleblower.

If the competent person considers the report to be unfounded, he/she shall immediately inform the whistleblower in writing that he/she does not believe that the offence is suspected or that the report is based on false information and shall inform the whistleblower of his/her right to lodge a complaint with a public authority. He or she shall give due reasons for the report.